Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Grammar: Penggunaan will have atau would have

 Will have digunakan pada saat melakukan flash back ke satu waktu ketika sesuatu akan terjadi. contohnya;

By the end of the decade scientist will have discovered a cure for influenza
Pada akhir dekade ini, ilmuwan telah menemukan obat untuk influenza

I will phone at six o'clock. He will have got home by then
Saya akan menelpon pukul 06.00. Dia akan pulang saat itu

By the end of the year scientist will have discovered a vaccine for Corona Viruses

atau untuk flash back dari masa sekarang:
Look at the time. The match will have started
It's half past five. Dad will have finished work
Look at the time. The movie will have started

Would have digunakan pada bentuk lampau (past tense) dari will have. contohnya :
I phoned at six o'clock. I knew he would have got home by then
It was half past five. Dad would have finished work.

Would have digunakan dalam kondisi lampau (past) untuk membicarakan tentang sesuatu yang tidak terjadi.
If it had been a little warmer we would have gone for a swim
He would have been very angry if he had seen you

If i had listened what my mom said, it would have been happened to me
He Would have disappointed if he had agreed with our decisions.
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